
Daniel Suchý avatar image
Daniel Suchý asked

Multiplus grounding cable size


I am trying to figure out proper grounding cable size for Multiplus 2/5kw 48v inverter. According to Wiring unlimited it should be same size as DC input cable size, but in some Victron Training videos I saw that grounding cables as usually much smaller size and also in inverter bolt for attaching ground is quite smaller than for DC in, so it suggest it should be smaller. So what is correct size?


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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Daniel Suchy

It depends alot on local regulations as well as manufacturer recommend sizing.

There is also AC and DC grounding, so possibly why the cable looked smaller?

For example Pylontec in their kit sent a grounding cable, but it is for case grounding.

Some systems should not be grounded. So not an easy one to answer by saying, this is the way.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
It is stated in the videos (maybe not all) not to take the wiring seen as the gold standard.

See the BYD flex one, Guy mentions at about 30minutes, it is a functional set up for instructional purposes. Always follow regulations and manufacturer guidelines.

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