
brianshol avatar image
brianshol asked

2 Victron MPPT's and different performance from each

I have 2600 watts of Solar on the roof of our RV, configured into 2 different arrays. Both arrays are connected in series to keep voltage high and amps low. I have 800ah of Lifep04 (12 Volt batteries connect in parallel/series to make a 24 volt system (400AH)

The inverter is a Victron 3000 Multi and everything talking through Cerbo GX.

I have noticed that the MPPT 1 appears to be performing better than the MPPT 2 even though its a much smaller array. This am I captured the following:

MPPT 1 is a 100/50 Producing: 78.18Volts, 1.86 A, 145 W

MPPT 2 is a 250/60 Producing 143.99 volts, 1.67 A, 240 W

Overall performance of the system:

The best day of solar production I can see from the last 6 months was 5.39kWh in a one day period. Was thinking that this system would produce closer to 8kWh per day.

Any suggestions on areas to improve or settings to change?

MPPT SmartSolar
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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

I have noticed that the MPPT 1 appears to be performing better than the MPPT 2 even though its a much smaller array. This am I captured the following:

MPPT 1 is a 100/50 Producing: 78.18Volts, 1.86 A, 145 W

MPPT 2 is a 250/60 Producing 143.99 volts, 1.67 A, 240 W

You only mentioned the total power of both arrays combined (2600W).

Without knowing how big is each array (for each MPPT) and based on your power values, in no way MPPT 1 (145W) performs better than MPPT 2 (240W).


If each array is only one string, make sure that all modules in each string are oriented exactly the same and that there are no shading issues. For panels (modules) in series, a shadow on a single panel brings down the production of the entire string.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Do you have the se panels in each array/string?
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2 Answers
brianshol avatar image
brianshol answered ·

Zone 1 ( MPPT 1) Performance per panel sticker:

Total Watts: 775

Total Voltage: 93.9

Total Avg Amps: 9.57

Zone 2 (MPPT 2) Performance per panel sticker:

Total Watts: 1820

Total Voltage: 180.4

Total Avg Amps: 11.8

So total system: 2595 Watts, 274.3 Volts 10.68 Avg Amps

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Jay Kote avatar image
Jay Kote answered ·

Zone 1: your total solar watts is 775, you are producing over 800 W. That doesn't quite seem right. Zone 2: your total solar watts is 1820, you are producing over 2128W. Again over your total solar watts. You are getting over 100% performance. What's your secret? I'm trying to track down why a 375W panel is only producing 200 - 250W! That's less than 70%.

How did you fix your original problem?

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