
ncr1 avatar image
ncr1 asked

Bluetooth Connection


I have a Smartsolar 75/15. My old phone, that was connected to it, died to the point where I can't turn it on. When I try and connect my new phone it asks for the pin which I put in as 000000. It keeps asking for the pin and then gives me a message to unpair the device, but I can never connect the phone to the MPPT so cannot unpair it. I have tried restarting the phone, uninstalling and reinstalling the app, resetting the pin with the PUK code. Nothing seems to work.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You can have many different devices paired with the same mppt. I think mine has about 6.

There are some other troubleshooting steps you can try. Some of them you have already mentioned trying.

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ncr1 avatar image
ncr1 answered ·

Thank you for your reply. In the end I disconnected it all and for good measure made sure the PIN was reset. It seems to be connecting now. Thank you for your help.

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