
Evert avatar image
Evert asked

Ess System not returning power back to grid.


Sorry this time in english.

My 3fase Ess system 3x 48v-5000 multi plus parallel connected to grid

Also the SMA pv inverter is parrelel connected,

2x Energy meter one on the grid connection one on the SMA,

CCGX to control the system

Ziehl anti-islanding

1250a battery

Uploaded latest firmeware

Set the correct grid code

Everything is connected and working only the multi's won't send Any battery power (100% charged) back to the grid, also on the ccgx there is no pictogram of the grid only pictogram of A-C loads.

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1 Answer
boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

Did the grid connect at all?

If you look at the Multi's (under 'devices' - 'multi') is AC-in detected?

If AC is measured, my first guess will be the incoming phases not connected in the right order.

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Evert avatar image Evert commented ·

Thanks #Boekel

  1. Found the problem the grid meter of the electric company had a fase twist L1 L3 L2 system is up and running now thanks tor your fast responce.
  2. Mvg Evert vermeer
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boekel avatar image boekel ♦ Evert commented ·

Thank you for reporting back.

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