
nakizimbo avatar image
nakizimbo asked

Can I safely run my 12v fridge from my MPPT 75/15 load output

I would like some clarification on if it is okay to run my small 25L 12v compressor fridge from the Victron load output or should I run it directly from the battery. I am very keen to protect my battery so was hoping to utilize the load output disconnect feature to give me some protection, but if I cant run my most demanding power appliance from the load output then I have no protection.

I have a 195w panel, 120 AH AGM battery and all other power usage is USB, stereo or LEDs. Max power for the fridge is 45W.


MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
mrhappy avatar image
mrhappy answered ·

I would suggest to connect a suitable relay which connects the fridge to the battery when voltage is present on the load output from the MPPT.

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nakizimbo avatar image nakizimbo commented ·

Thanks, I understand what you are saying. Would this kind of relay suit - I realise it does not have the correct specs ? I am thinking of a "normally off" relay but am wondering if these relays can sustain being powered on for long periods of time.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ nakizimbo commented ·
In principle, yes, but it won't work as suggested.

There will always be battery voltage powering the relay, so it will be permanently on. You may find it's OK if you connect the trigger side of the relay to the panel or input to the MPPT. There will be some drain on the battery when the panels aren't producing full power, but I'd guess it's acceptable.

Failing that you could use an Orion TR Smart DC:DC charger. These switch on voltage and you can configure the switching voltage from a smartphone.

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