
niels91 avatar image
niels91 asked

Mppt75/15 does not load the battery

I have a blue solar charger 75/15 mppt installed. I have 2 solar pannels they give me on the moment 27V (not connected). Normaly, if the voltage is 5V higher than the batteryvoktage ( in my case 12,4V) the charger have to charge my battery's. But it doesn't. If i connect the pannels on the charger i have 12,4V on the connectionsrews, not the 27V before. Wath is rong??

MPPT SmartSolar
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

What does the victron connect app show?

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niels91 avatar image niels91 Alexandra ♦ commented ·
It shows the voltage off the battery (12,4V) the voltage off the pannel (12,4V ???) But the current is 0 amp's.
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Check the fuse.

Most cases when there is no battery voltage according to the manual, that is where the issue is.

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