
wishfullearning avatar image
wishfullearning asked

I think I fried my 100/50 smartsolar charge controller :( can someone help diagnose?

*SOLVED* It was my battery's terminal fuse that blew, I kinda forgot about it and never checked it.

Hey guys!

As the title says I believe I've destroyed my charge controller.

Here's what happened - I was doing some renovations in my live-in cargo van, when I went to move my table. In order to move my table I needed to remove the positive and negative wire terminals from my fuse block. The wires connect from the fuse block to two bus bars, then to my battery, back to the bars, then to the charge controller, then to my panels mounted on the roof. (Just being explicit here because I want to paint a good picture.)

Anyways, when I disconnected the wires from my fuse block, I tapped them together accidentally, and there was a spark between them. After this my loads started acting very strangely - they started pulsing with energy. I used a voltmeter on them and saw that the voltage was rapidly fluctuating. (See video.) The pictures I've attached show strange reading's from the bluetooth app, and even worse, my charge controller isn't even turning on at this point either, it's not sending energy to the battery, no flashing blue bulk stage light, and my victron app can't find it.

I'm very certain the CC is busted by my own stupidity, but I wanted to make this thread to ask if there's anything I could possibly do to fix this, or at least to help me confirm that it is, indeed, broken.

Thanks for all your time! screenshot-20211031-172415.jpgscreenshot-20211031-164818.jpg

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
mv-anne avatar image
mv-anne answered ·

It's important to connect the batteries first, and the solarpanels second to the mppt.

try to disconnect all wires from the mppt, then connect the batteries first, and then the solarpanels.

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