
beilstein avatar image
beilstein asked

Smart Solar 450 200 BMS switched off

Smart Solar – 450/200 is connected about a Cerbo GX to the MG Master LV BMS (Lynx) via VE.CAN (Lithium Batteries).

The BMS and the smart solar are shown correctly into the Cerbo GX menu.

Into this menu, the BMS is listed as allow to charge.

The Smart Solar generally works, but when I select the Battery type LiFePo4, it has to be controlled by the BMS.

I got the Info: “BMS switched off” but it is on and the charger did not charge.


MPPT SmartSolar
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3 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Beilstein

I think that setting is for a BMS controlled by an 'allowed to charge' connection, where you have a managed battery with CANbus control.

This means that you should use another setting on the solar charger, and enable 'DVCC' in the GX device, the battery will control the charge voltage and current.

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beilstein avatar image
beilstein answered ·

Hi Mr. Boekel,

Thank you for your quick response.

I did activate add the DVCC Adjustment after your answer, confirm to the MG settings.

Tested it with and without activated shared current sense.

Unfortunately without success, the problem is still the same.


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beilstein avatar image
beilstein answered ·

Dear Mr. Boekel

I did activate the DVCC Adjustment after your answer, confirm to the MG settings but the problem is still there, do you got an idea what cause of this can be?

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