
manjo avatar image
manjo asked

MPPT 150/60Tr shows 0W

Can someone please interpret for me what the app is showing? It says solar voltage is 13.38V, I checked the voltage from the panels and it was at 36v. Also it is showing 0 current, and 0 watts, because a relay is 'open'? what is this relay ? I have the short wire between H & L so that is not the problem. It is very overcast out here, so the voltages from the panels are between 3v and 36v. The voltage under "Solar" is that the output voltage of the MPPT? or input from the panels?


MPPT SmartSolar
mpptoutput.png (68.8 KiB)
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The voltage in the solar section should be your panel voltage. It is not 5v above your battery so the mppt will not be charging.

The relay is a programmable relay available in some models.

The 36v you read before connecting will be the Voltage open circuit so voltage with no load on it. Once it is loaded it will drop. Wait for a sunny day and check again.

How many panels do you have and how have you connected them?

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manjo avatar image
manjo answered ·

I have 2x 200W Renogy panels connected in series at the moment. It should get sunny in a couple of day here and I will test it in full sun.

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