
rjoustra avatar image
rjoustra asked

Four 100/50 Charge Controllers working together?

So here is my setup

Cerbo GX

Smart Shunt

4 MPPT 100/50 each with (2) 340 watt panels attached to each

All cables on the output side of the controllers are the same length.

Is there a best practice setup to have these controllers work together as one unit?

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

hi @rjoustra Smartnetworking may be an interesting option. Makes for some good bedtime reading. Also, search the forum as there has been some discussions on the topic.

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Phil Gavin avatar image
Phil Gavin answered ·

If they have the same settings are the minor differences going to make a whole hill of beans?

I have 4 far bigger MPPT's in parallel so long as they all turn on in the AM, I am unconcerned if one turns off 10 mins early.

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