
martin-haellsten avatar image
martin-haellsten asked

Self consumption Smartsolar 75/15

I measured the self consumption of my smartsolar 75/15 to be 0.11 A (110mA) using my BMV 712 (everything else disconnected) and toggling the unit on and off. That is more than 11x compared to the specificiation. It seems to be flawed. Or are the specs wrong?

MPPT SmartSolar
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martin-haellsten avatar image martin-haellsten commented ·

Ok, I tried a 2nd time. Now the story is a bit different as the BMV712 picks up either 0 or 0.1V with variation over time. The smart solar is the only device connected. Averaging the values likely yields something close to the specs.

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2 Answers
dazey77 avatar image
dazey77 answered ·

The BMV isn't really intended for measuring such small currents. I think the issue is that you are within the accuracy tollerances. If you want to measure the consumption, put a sensitive multimeter in series with the BMV connection.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The smallest current the BMV can show you is 0,1A and even that is more a guess than a accurate measurement.

As @dazey77 wrote, you will need a way more accurate measuring device to measure such small currents.

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