
chrisgla avatar image
chrisgla asked

ESS Questions

With Multiplus ii I believe if I use external CT as grid meter I lose ability to see input side self consumption.

If I use ET112 for grid meter instead of a multi plus external CT will I be able to see input side self consumption + grid consumption in GX/ VRM?

Also, if I set ESS to optimise (ie internal schedule control) is it still possible to vary this using Modbus? This is to ensure the system works reliably on it”s own most of the time without external input- but if external control with time of use tariff decides it’s economic to charge/ discharge it then overrides internal schedule.

I’ve not been specific on model as currently choosing between Multiplus ii gx and Multiplus ii with external GX.

Finally, any idea if and when EasySolar GX will achieve ENA G98/G99 certification in UK? I was surprised it didn’t have it as based on Multiplus ii GX. Is there a technical reason or just compliance cost?


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1 Answer
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


The external CT would act the same as a ET112 if placed in the main incomer. The ET112 is more accurate than the external CT, that about all.


Rob D


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