
PVolt avatar image
PVolt asked

Ess Fronius zero feed in individual phase

Dear Victron community,

I am facing an issue with zero feed in system.

-3phase MP2 5000VA

-Cergo GX

-fronius symo 15 conected to ac in.

The zero feed in working but on in individual phase so only the SUM of Energy is equal to set value in ESS.

See the pics.:


1000037009.jpgImage Caption

How to manage the individual phase balancing?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
The fronius will always produce equally over all the phases. So if you only have a load on one phase it will feed back on the other two.

So, ultimately you have to load balance the phases.

In the short term if the loads are small then use dc mppts for them.

Your Fronius is shown on the ac in, are you sure it is configured correctly?

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PVolt avatar image PVolt Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Sorry this installation is AC IN, but same issue have on another with AC OUT.

The load balance should be done by MP2 I am assuming - when the battery is not full the balancing seems to be working well.

Is there a way to prioritize the PV production from MPPT instead of Fronius if is sufficient power production, actually first the mppt go down to reduce the power production.

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3 Answers
maa avatar image
maa answered ·

Look on SETTINGS/PV Inverters/Inverters/YourInverterName/Phase

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PVolt avatar image PVolt commented ·
There is Multiphase, what another should be there?
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PVolt avatar image
PVolt answered ·


As you can see here when battery is not full the individual phase works well 1000037200.jpg

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PVolt avatar image
PVolt answered ·


based on finding, Individual phase compensation is not working with AC coupled inverters, when the battery is full in general (AC IN, or OUT) and the AC IN is active. When the system is highly unbalanced due to the load requirements, the AC coupling cannot be used at all.

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