
jsmvanwyk avatar image
jsmvanwyk asked

Battery Discharges even though there is enough PV available to cover the load

Good day. We have an interesting case whereby a system with battery discharges when running on ESS (with and without battery life has no impact). The minimum SOC is set to 30%. There is no Dynamic ESS loaded and we are one firmware version 5.08. the system is 3 x Multiplus II 5000's in parallel. There is 5 x 5.3 kWh battery backup installed. See the screenshot below. Any idea why the PV would not carry the load and the battery discharge the bare minimum? 1718026801629.png

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4 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi what is your grid setpoint?

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Evan Rose avatar image
Evan Rose answered ·

Hi, I am also seeing this. PV was enough to cover load, battery was 100% and grid point was set at 50w. Yet inverter was discharging at high amps.1000000012.jpg

I checked everything as much as I could, but I'm at a loss...

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Rather open a new topic since yours involves PV inverters, grid parallel loads, and the OP didn’t, so more than likely unrelated. Document the environment and settings in detail. Thanks

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shaunuk avatar image
shaunuk answered ·

Put a clamp meter on the grid. I think when multiple cts are connected there is a bug where it looks like power is exporting but it’s not, getting this on multiple systems ac loads are being shown on the grid side


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Many times the clamp is orientated incorrectly so reads inversely.
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lifeingalicia avatar image
lifeingalicia answered ·

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