
xodorine avatar image
xodorine asked

Problem with MPPT 100/50

My MPPT 100/50 solar charger caught fire in camper when i was drivning. We had noticed some smell but thought it was from the heater. It was going on for about two month on our travels. Suddenly the cabin was filled with smoke when the charger was burning. How could this happen? We got no warning on Cerbo gx.

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
bigbadbob76 avatar image
bigbadbob76 answered ·

This was likely a poorly connected cable to the MPPT.

vibration from the vehicle can cause the screw terminals to come loose.

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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

Tighten the screws of the terminals with the recommended torque and check after some days while vibration and hot/cold can loosen them again after a while.

And additionally, - which cable did you use? Is it "strong" enough to carry the rated current? Did you use ferrules? Are there any fuses in the line...?

You see, a lot of things that should be checked, and you provided only little information. A photo is also always useful .

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