
buendia avatar image
buendia asked

0R4: Disabled by remote or BMS error

img-4001.pngimg-4015.pngI’ve read other posts regarding this issue. They aren’t addressing my issue.

I have two solar chargers. One of the two is not working on my boat. I had to take batteries off line 25 days ago. I have current coming into the charger. The inline breaker after the charger is also working, per multimeter. Three days ago the system randomly charged and then went dormant. The light indicating ‘bulk’ is blinking on the charger, but not the others.

I have turned the depowered the whole system at night for 30 seconds.

I have also checked connections going to green pin connections.

I have disconnected the remote pins at the solar charger and at the battery protector.

Any other suggestions on how to reset the charger?

Thank you Ed

MPPT SmartSolar
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img-4015.png (127.2 KiB)
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1 Answer
Steve Bigham avatar image
Steve Bigham answered ·

I’m having the same issue with no resolution. can anybody shed some light on this challenge?

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