
yokehl avatar image
yokehl asked

2 Arrays 1 Charge controller


using a 150/100 Mc4 charge controller, can I put 2 different strings on a different face ie, 1 x east 1 x west, or will they drag each other down. only using 4 panels 440W each 2 strings of 2.


MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

If the strings are in different directions or different shading you really need 2 separate MPPTs or a model with dual trackers, the 150/100 is a single tracker. All the MC4 inputs are connected together. As you surmise, the lowest performing string will drag the other down.

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vicens avatar image
vicens answered ·

Si que se puede. Como los dos grupos iguales y están en paralelo si que se puede, aunque tengan diferente orientacion.

No se debe hacer cuando estan todas en serie, porque la de menor rendimiento puede afectar a las otras.

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