
Dennis Leth Andersen avatar image
Dennis Leth Andersen asked

Dynamic ESS vs. Schedule export

Hi all,

I have used Dynamic ESS for a week now to understand how it operates. I see some problems in Trade mode. Is is not always prioritizing self-consumption, and therefore buy from the Grid, even if the battery is 100% full. Also in DESS trade mode the target SOC is set to min. SOC in ESS. That means in the morning the battery is empty, and I need to buy from grid before the sun is up in full swing. I therefore have to turn OFF the DESS before I go to sleep, to have enough power on the battery. And turn it ON again in the morning, to sell it at peak price.

I suggest to have a similar function like the "Schedule charging" in ESS, for "Schedule export". In that way it will be up to me to decide when to sell, regarding car-charging and other high load during the week to a specific minimum SOC as well.

My system consist of:

3 pcs MP-II 5000/48

2 pcs MPPT 250/100 + 250/85

Lynx shunt + power in/out

62kwh LFP battery.

ESSdynamic ess
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2 Answers
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) answered ·

Thank you for the tip. I'll take it and discuss it with the rest of the developers.
At the moment all of this can be done with the Node-RED implementation, though it is probably not the most easy thing to get going if you haven't used that before.

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Dennis Leth Andersen avatar image
Dennis Leth Andersen answered ·

Hi Dirk,

No I not using Node-Red. I like thinks come from Victron via a firmware update:-)

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