
Lucian Fratila avatar image
Lucian Fratila asked

Strage behavior on my MPPT

Hi all. My mppt 100/20 is behaving in a way hard for me to understand. Every morning it does not charge battery until 10-11am, even if it's a very sunny morning. It starts loading the system and charging after few hours of great sun. Does not matter what SOC my battery has, I use a Smart Shunt. Later in the day all is great, I can see great numbers 200w or grater from solar, and after night passes in the morining same problem. I can se on the app that I have great numers (ex 60-100w and around 10a) but the shunt does not see any current. Any thoughts?

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

If you do not see the Power on the SmartShunt but on the SmartSolar only, it mean, hat you have probably some devices running, which suck all the energy directly from the Solarpanels until you have enough sun and the panels produce more energy as the basic load, hence it start charging later the batteries.

Have a nice sunny day

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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@Lucian Fratila What is the Vmp of your panels?

The Mppt needs battery voltage + 5 volts before it will start charging.

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