
Leon Backbier avatar image
Leon Backbier asked

System Not Charging Batteries Despite Negative Electricity Prices

Hello Community,

I am seeking guidance to understand an issue with my Victron energy management system. I've observed that despite the electricity prices being negative, which should ideally lead to my system charging the batteries, it is instead selling the excess solar energy back to the grid. This is puzzling, considering the system should be incentivized to store the energy under these pricing conditions.

Attached are the screenshots from my system's dashboard. As you can see, the grid is showing a negative draw (indicating that energy is being sold back), and the battery state of charge is at 19%, with the system actually discharging instead of charging. The PV inverter is generating 4543W, which seems to be ample for charging.

The second screenshot shows the energy consumption and solar production data, which also suggests that there is enough solar energy being generated that could be stored.

Could this be an issue with my settings, or is there a possible fault in the system that is causing this counterintuitive behavior? Any insights into settings I should check or adjustments I should make would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all in advance for your time and support.





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1 Answer
Leon Backbier avatar image
Leon Backbier answered ·


Yesterday it sold also amost all my solar energy, for now i switched off DESS and charged my car to get most out of the pricing and solar


any guidance appreciated

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