
aaroncody avatar image
aaroncody asked

Integrating CerboGX with a Titan Solar generator

So I have a 24v Titan Solar generator which has it's own (non-Victron) built-in MPPT. But I want to integrate this into my Victron ecosystem, monitored by my Cerbo GX. Can I put a Victron MPPT between the solar panels and the solar input of the Titan to achieve this? Is there a better way?

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The MPPT in the titan will mess with the Victron mppt. So not really there

You could however modify the item and connect the Victron mppt directly to the battery connection side of the other MPPT.

Just looked at the item it seems anderson plugs are used. (Or at least the one I looked at did). So make a jumper (edited - I see you can buy the battery expansion leads so they have done it already) between the battery pack and the top part for both plugs? Mppt can charge direct they have a dedicated charger so I am going to assume the BMS is in the battery section.

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