
mat1965 avatar image
mat1965 asked

DCDC Charger overheating update.

Question for Mr Vader please. I was reading up on your threads of a couple of years ago on hot DCDC chargers. It seems it's a common problem across brands. I bought a cheaper brand for my sailboat and I'm horrified at having something get that hot on my boat that could present fire risk for safe charging of my one 200ah lifpo4 house.battery . (I have one 120ah lead engine battery) You mentioned some upgrades and give some serial numbers. For 2023 can you please recommend a 20 or 30amp Victron that has been upgraded to minimise this problem and not need me to install a fan? Many thanks from down under Australia.

dc-dc charger
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1 Answer
Petar Maksimovic avatar image
Petar Maksimovic answered ·

Here is a nice idea to improve cooling, if there is 3D printer nearby:

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