
jimg avatar image
jimg asked

Dynamic ESS Bug Report

We have 2 x Multiplus ll 48 5000 70-50 in parallel with CerboGX. All updated to latest firmware as of 30/11/23. Grid tied system.

Using Beta VRM with Dynamic ESS, when I manually hit the buy button and the system starts to charge our US5000 batteries, VRM is only displaying the power and current of one of the inverters, so half the actual value, so 68A instead of 136A of the combined parallel units output. I think the system is charging at the full combined rate, just showing half the values.

If I hit the sell button to export back to the grid, the correct power and current values are being displayed.

If I disable Dynamic ESS and set a scheduled time to charge the batteries, the correct power and current is displayed for the combined units.

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

This is still in beta, rather contribute to the beta topic in the modifications section.

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