
endeavor avatar image
endeavor asked

MPPT turning off intermittently

1000017895.jpgI have a 100/50 and 150/60 smart solar controllers along with a Cerbo. I have had intermittent problems where the 100/50 will go to a bulk state in the morning and then immediately turn off. The only way to get it going again is turning it on and off via the connect app. The 150/60 works fine. Both connected with VE direct. PV voltage is 60 volts on a 12 volt system. Not sure why it turns off. As a second question I have not figured out how to reset the controller using VRM remote control. Thanks1000017891.jpg

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Their outputs can interfere with each other if you're starting at a very high state of charge.

Are they in a VE.Smart network with each other?

I'm not aware of a way to reset it in VRM; however, you can use VictronConnect to connect to the MPPTs through your VRM remotely and cycle the charger OFF/ON in Battery settings.

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endeavor avatar image endeavor commented ·
Thanks for the reply. I had originally set up the system with just the mppt's and smart shunt so had them networked. After installing the cerbo and ve direct cables I failed to turn off the networking. Hoping that takes care of the issue.

I still haven't figured out how to access the enable/disable on the mppt through vrm to let me reset the mppt. I can see all info and status but not any control function like the connect app has.

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snoobler avatar image snoobler endeavor commented ·

Again, I'm not aware of any way to reset the MPPT from VRM. I don't think there is one.

The way to "cycle" the charger remotely is to open victronconnect, hit the VRM tab hit the Devices tab and then enter the MPPT from there. Example:



From there you select the MPPT and use VictronConnect as you would directly connected via bluetooth by disabling the charger and then re-enabling it.

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endeavor avatar image
endeavor answered ·

Thanks again as I now can remotely turn off the mppt and then re enable. That takes care of the controller being stuck in the off state. I believe tuning off all the smart networking was the original problem with the mppt getting turned off.

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