
tobycolledge avatar image
tobycolledge asked

0W solar reading after leisure battery replacement


I had my leisure battery replaced today and I know don't get any power from my panels, is this because my battery is full?screenshot-20230713-212042.jpg

MPPT SmartSolar
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3 Answers
Rob Fijn avatar image
Rob Fijn answered ·

Hi, if your Battery Charger setting have a Float setting lower then 13.55V, there there is no charge.
It also then looks like there is no load connected to your DC... And the time on your phone is in the evening, but if you are North... I guess there is still some sun this time of the year.

Some more information is needed to give better help.
Regards, Rob

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tobycolledge avatar image
tobycolledge answered ·

Thanks Rob, it's correct that there is no load and yes I'm in the North. I'm going to recheck the connections including the MC4 connectors. Was hoping some sort of reset was needed with the change of battery.

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sean avatar image
sean answered ·

There looks to be less than the required +5v above battery voltage that is required before charging will commence.

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