
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack asked

MPPT Calculator suggestion

Good day,

because I design Off-the-Grid systems, the 130% over sizing option is very annoying, because I have to recalculate everything by hand.


I use in my systems SOPzS batteries which can run DOD80 @1500 cycles, hence the Battery Voltage can be low as 22,1V before the BatteryProtect or the Inverters shoot down.

If I use 5 Solarpanels 410W on series (32/38V, 12,8/14,5A) the MPPT Calculator recommended me the SmartSolar MPPT 250/70-Tr VE.Can but this will never work satisfaisant in nordic countries, where you need to capture any energy you get.

My own SmartSolar MPPT 150/70-Tr VE.Can is running from January to March always at its limit of 70A on sunny days.

Hence, with 1860Wp I can use even a SmartSolar MPPT 150/100-Tr VE.Can because the Charging current at 22,2V is 93A!

I herbly ask Victron to add an option to disable the 130% oversizing.

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Michelle Konzack

Are you using the spreadsheet?

To alter an entire system for one or two outside cases does not make sense.

In all honesty that is also why tech specs are given in the manuals.

The rules are simple 1. dont over volt at low temps and 2. don't over amp the input. It is very easy to size on that. I can do it in my head. All you will do is limit your output to whatever the mppt is limited to of you can live with that then happy days.

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