Why is VRM adding an "AC Loads" box with no ESS/External Meter?

VRM is not reflecting the Remote Console as expected in this new three phase 8kva Quattro installation. Everything is on the AC output of the Quattros, there are no Assistants loaded, and no energy meters.
Remote Console looks like this:
Although I expected VRM to look the same, it has added two boxes:

Although this isn’t a major problem, it’s something the customer sees and can’t understand. And it brings up the question of what is happening between the Cerbo GX and VRM.

@nickdb This isn’t a DIY issue, I’ve set up multiple systems just like this and never had this issue. And there’s no setting to change it back unless ESS is loaded. As I understand VRM should look like the Console screen, and it doesn’t. So I moved this back to troubleshooting so hopefully someone can help with that.