while the corresponding Diagram on Remote Console is always accurate enough.
here is what it looks like in Remote Console when the Multiplus-II is off-grid (which is most of the day):
This layout is close enough to being accurate. The Multiplus-II feeds a (single phased) Essential loads sub panel, while VM-3p75ct measures the (three phased) mains Grid wires of the entire house, hence, the “Grid” block on the left shows equal values as the “AC Loads” block on the right. These are Grid-only loads, and as such, they should appear on the left of the inverter, but this is only a small issue. The Inverter output loads are correctly shown in the “Essential Loads” Block.
The exact same layout is displayed when the Multiplus-II’s AC input is connected to Grid:
In VRM Portal web page, however, different layouts are displayed when On or Off Grid.
Here is the off-grid layout:
the AC charger block is not shown,
Essential Loads block is missing,
AC loads block shows a mixture of VM-3p75ct Grid readings and the Inverter output Loads,
Grid block is shown as “AC input” with only the total power displayed, no phase details.
and here is the layout when AC Input is connected to Grid:
This is a better depiction of the actual state, though the external AC charger block is missing again, and the DC loads block has disappeared for no apparent reason, they should always be there.
Is there any way for me as a user to configure this correctly?
P.S. the AC charger’s output is measured by a smart shunt, and it’s input is measured as an ordinary Grid load on L2.
the DC loads main fuse box is also measured by a smart shunt.