Whole system shutting off intermittantly - what is wrong?

Hi! I’m really new to all of this and trying to solve a strange problem.

We have a couple of systems set up, with a PV, a 12V car battery and a load (datalogger and turbidity sonde) attached to a MPPT 75/10.

It was all working fine for some time - see attached photo. You see solar power go up and down every day, as well as battery voltage.

Then, everything flatlines for a while, then it all died. Since then the system has come back intermittantly, but the battery voltage is all over the shop, frequently dropping to zero. But when i measure the actual voltage across the battery, it is 12!

What might have happened? Have I fried things somehow? As a novice i really appreciate any help anyone can give me :slight_smile:

Possibly bad connections. The mppt can produce when there is not battery connection so start that side with the fuse maybe. The connections may have worked loose as well.
Are you expecting solar voltage at 23:02?

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