What are the current VRM browser requirements?

Can someone from Victron VRM development team come clean and make an announcement about VRM browser compatibility?
Up till 28.11.2024 my browser was capable of viewing my instalation on VRM.
After that day it stopped. I can only see totally unresponsive login page. There is no active link on that page.
I reported that problem here:

Someone from Victron asked me for specific information on my browser.
I did provide it, but up till now I got big fat ZERO as an answer.
I would by nice to know what browsers are compatible with current version of VRM.
I would not want to spent money on upgrading my computer only to find out that I am still not compatible.

Edge should work…and costs nothing…

What do you have ?

As i always say : those are toy’s, not computers :wink:

I think there was a note somewhere regarding chrome, but I’m not into vrm.

Can you run windows on your mac ?

No, but edge will…

Ah, most people have at least one windows pc at home or run windows on a mac.

Can you upgrade Firefox? Version 78 is very old.
I run Firefox 128.5.2esr. No VRM problems for me on this Firefox version.


So the problem is entirely yours.

No, its up to you to keep your tools to standard , working with computers that were outdated 10 years ago isn’t wise.

Just use your wife’s computer, she seems openminded.

I’m sure they didn’t push you out purposely, but a company building state of the art electronics is allways more progressive then a bank.

You expect the most sofisticated products from Victron , constant updates and ever improving technology, but are not willing to keep up with them.

We can end the discussion here, use your wife’s computer or quit vrm, your decision

Old browsers are not secure so do not use them for banking please.

You have your wife’s as reference…


At amazon you can buy a refurbished microsoft surface pad with W10 prof in good condition for 98€, in perfect condition for 128.

Can probably upgrade to W11 at no cost.

So what are you whining about ?

From a testing perspective, the last 3 versions of browsers are tested.
Browsers are not intentionally obsoleted and it is not tested to see how far back it goes. That is unrealistic.
In reality, modern frameworks that are used by online platforms, move and evolve to support new standards and for security.
Sure there are some platforms that do not change, but to support dated browsers means it has to support weak encryption, security and known vulnerabilities. That just isn’t acceptable any longer for modern systems.

To persist in the modern online world, you don’t need to be on the latest tech, but a few generations is common development practice.

It is unrealistic to expect any platform to support 5 generations-old tech.
Mac OS 10.9 was released in 2013. Over 11 years seems like a good innings, considering the enormous changes, upgrades and enhancements to the ecosystem.

It is worth noting that Apple themselves only support the last 3 OS versions, so they discontinued support long ago. Most older Macs tend to support a version that can run an OS within generational support, if it can’t then the hardware must be extremely old.

The reality is that the major software/browser developers only support the last few OS versions, the OS providers do the same, so do the hardware manufacturers. It is a rolling ecosystem that any solution provider has to move within, and ultimately any user needs to do the same if they intend to use current services. This is necessary as otherwise it stifles development, extends dev/test cycles and costs a lot more to do. Sure it might continue to work, but it isn’t tested, and if it stops working it isn’t by design. By then the age of the equipment is well outside of norms.


This is why i never, never, never use apple products.

Sorry, no idea what you’re expecting.
You’re trying to rebel against industry norms and blaming Victron, which controls none of which is ultimately your poor decision making.

As a Mac user of many, many years, you are talking nonsense.
I have a cupboard of old ones that I could still (just) get on the matrix of support. Their batteries are too tired and it’s too expensive to repair - Is that Victron’s fault as well?
You’re talking about 2006 era hardware. In 2025…

You have discussed YOUR bank before, it is not common for ALL banks, nor any current service provider, and it is not a good thing at all to have a dated ecosystem.
Most would just laugh if you raised such a query.

To be blunt, no one should care about supporting 18-year old hardware and continuing to whinge about expecting any business to support your personal choices is ridiculous. Go try your luck with any others and let us know how it goes.

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Ask victron, my grudge against apple started with apple 2.

To be fair, any laptop vendor bins hardware support pretty quickly these days.
Having switched some time back, I have had better long-term OS support on Macs than on any of my many business laptops.
The support statements and lifecycles for the industry are all pretty similar these days (and getting worse).
Being in the industry its same-same. Though, apple repair costs are terrible, but that is worse in this region. As a whole, business-wise, we have far greater ownership costs and less reliability with windows devices. But that is another topic.

I hate to put the gasoline on fire here, but somehow Marek is right…

Another example here is VictronConnect App that we all know that from version 6, released on March 2024, the Windows 7 is not supported anymore.
All understandable… Who has Win7, just use the old 5.107 version. OK.

BUT !!!

If you want to connect from Win7 through VC 5.107 and through VRM to your system, you can’t anymore.
The programs authorize itself OK into VRM, but when clicking on Cerbo for connection, the progress bar goes until 40% and freeze there with the CPU core assigned to the VictronConnect application process going to 100%.

What can be said about that?..

Only that something changed in the way VRM works and systems that up until lately (under few months) worked OK, now does not…

From Android works, but there… another problem.
See here: VictronConnect 6.10 -> 6.12 (release) bugs