Weird trade mode behaviour

I am trying to figure out some weird behaviour i am seeing in DESS in trade mode.
For some reason this stopped working like i would expect. Sometimes trade mode starts charging battery at full power while the price is high and it was low for a few hours before that.
Sometimes it also goes into a swing where it charges at low price then directly decides to dump the whole charge again, wasting energy while at it.

And quite often when the price is high it will not sell at full power but instead keep the power level to be 0 at the meter. (For example right now was one of the highest prices of the day, battery was 90% charged, and instead of the 2.1 kw that the inverter is limited to i get 0 at the meter which is atm around 800 watts). It will however still try to go to a low level of 20% for example but ends up selling all the way till the price is low again.

It seems to be more or less doing what i would expect from Green mode, but i have verified that its in Trade mode, also tried switching back and forth.

So far this weird behaviour ends up only costing money this year by charging at weird times and discharging at weird times and then having the energy loss of charging. Most days it turns out to be a 0 or a money loss at the end of the day price wise. (I have a seperate energy meter in home assistant that calculates the net profit / cost with the current energy price every few seconds and accumulates that).

This is a daily graph, purple lines it resets at midnight. Few days with a bit of profit, but also a lot with loss. The red parts are weird swings while charging or discharging.

If we look at the statistics longer term without the nightly resets the overall trend for the last 10 days has only been up, while if it would have traded properly from what i see (i monitor this daily) it would have been down.

(Graphs are both the euro’s profit / cost only looking at the inverter in and output, up is cost (> 0 is costing, < 0 is profit).

The only change i made some time ago is changing the sell price calculation; i made the dynamic sell price a few % lower to account for energy loss as quite often it was charging and discharging on a day where it ended up at 0 while taking the lowest spot for charging and highest for discharging (At 2kW output i have a loss of 300 watts, battery reports 2300 watt discharge!).

My buy formula for tibber:

My sell formula for tibber:

This looks correct in the energy price graph, the sell prices are consistently 10% smaller then the buy prices. And this seemed to work perfectly at first. Other then that nothing has changed.

Anyone else having problems or seen something similar? At the moment it is an absolute waste of money and charge cycles. Only benefit is that the lost energy is heating my shed for free…

Some specs:
Victron multiplus 2 GX 48 3000
DESS settings:
Max import: 5,75 kw
Max export: 5.75 kw
Operating mode: Trade mode
Capacity: 4.8 kWh
Max charge / discharge power 2.1kW
Cycle cost: 0.05 euro kwh
Balancing: on, 14 days
Restrict usage: No

Other then that in the GX:
Solar panels present, P1 meter present and working
Battery is a Pylontech, temperature 17 deg atm
DVCC forced on
Charge current limited to 35A
Charge voltage limited to 52.4
BMS pylontech
Shared current sense on, but it shows diabled (External control)

Mode: Optimized (without battery life) (i have experimented with this value)
Grid metering: External
Self consumption from battery: all system loads.
Minimum SOC: 10%
Limit inverter power: 2100w (matching Dess settings)
Grid setpoint: -20w
Grid feedin: Ac-couple PV - feed in excess, limit system feedin is off, Feed in limiting active is No
Peak shaving: Above minimum SOC only
Schedules: none
Dynamic ESS: Mode Auto, Status Auto, Target SOC: 100%

Thanks for putting the category straight, still have to get used to how this forum works :slight_smile: