Dynamic ESS - wrong time selling into grid.

Dynamic ESS plans to sell at wrong time (not during highest grid rates).

Any explanation on this behavior?

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And it actually sold, at random time.

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The past exports are probably because they wanted the battery SOC to be at a certain level at the beginning of the new day.
Although, the decision how to make that is questionable…
I am just saying, I’ve never used DESS.

Can you confirm you have your time and time zone on the GX set correctly and possibly location on VRM? Just wondering if it is not a weird mismatch there?


As you can see from screenshots, it is not a timezone issue. On the first screenshot DESS was planning to sell before highest grid price timeslot in the morning, and in the evneing - after.

Just in case time is correct in Cerbo and location in VRM is also correct.

But why is DESS planning to charge from PV in the morning tomorrow, while there are plenty of negative price hours ahead?

That’s indeed a very good question !..
Because negative prices mean a benefit for you when consuming.
Just like when selling.

This is how DESS actually sells. Every half hour, 10 minutes, at maximum allowed battery discharge power. Why it is doing so, cant understand. Better to sell for full hour at good price than to pour by teaspoon.

I reported a similair issue, but not response. There is an issue with discharge rate calculation it seems, it should be disharching at a lower/constant rate during the whole hour, and not doing this.

GbbOptimizer discharge “normally” :slight_smile:

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I use the DESS for days now on Green mode but i’m not satisfied with it because its not working intelligent enough.
The most thing what don’t understand is why the system starts loading the battery instead to load to the Grid in the morning, when enough power should be later as the forecast provides

If you activate trade mode, it’ll sell PV in the mornings. However, there are questionable early hours, when system consumes from the grid while some battery capacity is still available.

I saw that too that the system take power from the Grid, but thats complete useless when enough power is ready from the battery or solarpower. It’s not so easy to work with DESS. Is it recommented to keep the Victron parts (Multiplus,Cerbo, Solarcharger) Firmware updated?

I suppose DESS is unable to be nice to everyone. They try to do their best, but sometimes it does not work.

It has improved a lot since early versions and now does a pretty good job as adjusting to real consumption/PV, rather than relying on forcasts only. It still needs a bit more work though to avoid some of the issues we are still seeing. In theory development continues, but I haven’t since much (any) updates recently. Also the alogrithm used doesn’t seem to be documented, else it might be easier to understand (and report) the specific issues.

Still selling at the wrong time, missing highest daily price.

Hey dear Victron,


We are again selling at the wrong time. Could you please take a look at this?

(Dashboard 442946)

No surprise today. As usual, not selling at the highest price hour (however sale was planned).


(Dashboard 442946)

Well, the system is in Green mode, which aim it is not to buy at the high price, which is working as intended. Green mode aim was never selling at the highest price. For that you need to switch to trade mode. Green mode is for using your own solar yield as much as possible, getting you to the next sunrise without having to buy from the grid.

We are working on adjusting the green mode to also sell at the highest price if the battery is full enough. At the moment that is not implemented.


Yes, understandable. But aren’t those sale plans misleading in green mode then?