Solar is dropping from 90kWh/day to around 10kWh - Why is DESS Selling 400-500W to grid when in the next Days Solar Forecast is also bad?
Also for calculation consumption forecast is not perfect. The day before we charged 2 EV’s because we know bad weather is coming…
For the consumption forecast it would be nice when Victron uses the average consumption last 24h without Solar…
Last Winter i had my own NodeRed Flow running based on what i need during the night based on Grid Direct Use and Battery Direct Use. After that i calculated how much energy i need for the next 24h… based on that i checked on sunset how much is in the battery and calculated do i need energy or not - after that i triggered at the low grid prices the charging session to battery.
Similar issue here… Green mode.
Switching between charging and discharging and pulling from the grid at one of the most expensive hours of the day… even though there is lots of power stored on the battery.
I’m trying Green mode because Trade mode begins charging a near empty 15 kwh battery on the cheapest hour… which result in a charge period that goes into the expensive hours.
It should calculate how much time (in full hours) that is needed to charge the battery, with respect to all the settings, and find the most cheap hours of the daylight/sun hours and begin charging at the first hour of the hours it fund.
For Trade mode, it needed 4 hours the charge the battery… it started 13:00 (cheapest hour) all through 14, 15 and 16
It should have started at 12:00 to avoid charging in the much more expensive 16 hour
I got tired of that, so trying Green mode… but that’s even worse… it just starts charging as soon as there is PV power no matter the price. Strange behavior considering the last bullet here: