VM-3P75CT (ethernet) drop-outs

Over the last two days, I’ve been having connectivity problems between my Cerbo GX and VM-3P75CT. Running firmware 1.08 on the VM-3P75CT and 3.60~8 on the Cerbo GX. Cerbo is bog standard, aside from running NodeRED with some extremely basic flows executed every 5 minutes.

This manifests as the “grid” box in the UI (VRM and display) to stop seeing the L1/L2/L3 values (they seem to disappear off the UI for some seconds), and for the Multiplus-II to stop inverting or charging.

The VM-3P75CT has a solid ethernet connection to the LAN. The Cerbo GX has a solid WiFi connection to the same network. My WiFi monitoring isn’t reporting any connectivity issues with the GX.

I have not noticed this prior to the last two days. The only change has been installing 3.60~8 on the Cerbo GX. I reset the VM-3P75CT by pressing the button with a paperclip – that seemed to fix the problem for a short time, but it occurred again some hours later. I have rebooted the Cerbo and seemingly resolved the problem for now.

I’m not sure if this is a problem with the Cerbo and Venus OS, or the VM-3P75CT, but it is certainly very impactful, as it significantly interrupts the ESS functioning. I think the next job is to change the Cerbo to a wired LAN connection, to eliminate WiFi as a potential cause.

I’ve noticed posts talking about similar issues in previous firmware versions, but nothing lately. Does anyone else have this problem? Is this a bug somewhere? Any suggestions for further troubleshooting?

Many thanks in advance,
