After a reboot of the Cerbo GX the unit is not willing to connect to the internet.
It was running for 2 months without any issues.
Connection - Ethernet
IP Fixed
Lights on the interface is like it should be. Activity visible.
When the device boots the mac address is broadcasted and visible in the ARP table. When the unit is running it is expired and not listed anymore.
Ethernet connection - Cable tested with 2 other devices. No issues found.
Switched firmware from 3.52 to 3.50 and back.
Same but then also with a complete power-off of the device.
Direct cable between laptop and the unit. ( link but no data).
With USB also tried to load the latest beta. - No result.
Fixed the mac address in the ARP tabel - no result.
power cycled the router and switches. - no result
Changed cabling to to direct connect to the router - no result
Has anyone an idea what the issue can be. Very strange behavior.
I got mine hands on an other Cerbo GX. That one works perfect. The difference i could see from the outside is that the new one is just flickering slow on the lights if the ethernet port and the old one the yellow light flashing like a stroboscope.
Will try to do some factory reset and clearing tomorrow will see if that works.
Before that i want to connect wireshark to it. To see what it is broadcasting.
Yes, I also filtered the traffic in WireShark but could not see any strange behaviour there. Only the ping reply times varied and remote console interrupted very frequently… But you tried to ping the IP as well, right? I think Venus OS is just using any standard Linux standard IP stack within the device… Therefore a bug within the ARP stack… seems strange.
If you are using wireshark, then you know your way around TCP/IP.
I have several GX’s some from Victron and some are DYI Raspberry Pi’s. I have a Raspberry PI in my RV that had been solid, even solid last year on the Beta GUI/Software. But the last couple of weeks, it has not, and keeps disconnecting. I searched and reading one post got me thinking. I ened up connecting to my 5G Wifi, instead of the my 2.4, and I Changed my 5G settings to Legacy in the Asus Router (running Merlin) Been Stable for the last hour, where as before it was not. Not sure if this helps, but is something to look at. Maybe something changed in the TCP/IP stack code recently and it is having wifi problems, or I’m having router wifi problems, but either way seems to be fixed, if not better.
If that doesn’t work, then re-loading the complete firmware from SD card may do the trick. I had a cerbo that bricked itself twice, for no apparent reason. That seems worse than your situation, but an einstein reload from the sd card fixed it.