VictronConnect states it needs updating, but it is the latest version

I have a new MultiPlus-II GX and MK3 USB interface. Running the latest VictronConnect app on Mac to configure over VE.Bus it sees the Multi no problems, but complains as per the screenshot below.

As both the Multi firmware and the VictronConnect app are reporting they are on the latest versions I don’t know how I can update as per the error message.




Hi @MurphysCreekBloke what version of VictronConnect are you using? Can you post a screenshot?

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Hi Matthijs,
Did that Screenshot shed more light on the situation?

Hi @MurphysCreekBloke , not sure yet; but being looked into

That’s Great. Thanks :slight_smile:

Did you try to reinstall VictronConnect?

You can also try to make a manual update.
You have to download the firmware file from Victron Professional.

!!! A FW Update of the MP will reset all settings !!!

I’ll try reinstalling VictronConnect, but it was a fresh install.
As the Multiplus firmware version is already the latest, are you recommending ‘updating’’ to the same version, or revert to an older version?

The current version is 552. Your FW is over 2 years old.

But Matthijs told me that it might not solve the problem.

Wow - OK - So why does VictronConnect report the Multi firmware is up to date as per the screenshot in the original post?

That’s the big question that needs to be solved. :slight_smile:

Ahhh :slight_smile:

I tried deleting and reinstalling VictronConnect, but it did not produce any change.

I borrowed a Windows laptop, and used VE.Flash to update the firmware on the Multi to 552.
Everything works now :slight_smile:
VE.Configure on Windows, VictronConnect on both Windows and Mac.
Let Matthijs know a firmware update did help, at least to gain the ability to configure the device VictronConnect.
It’s still reporting the firmware is the ‘latest’, which is actually correct now, but I don’t know what will happen when new Multi firmware comes out.