Victron Energy AC Current Sensor not working on Easy Solar 2 GX 3kW

I am not getting any readings from my AC Current Sensor on my Easy Solar 2 GX.

  1. The CT Clamp is over a Live wire that is under ~1Kw load in the CU when testing.
  2. The Dip Switches are Set but I’m not sure if this is right
  3. The CT Clamp wires are wired into the Current Sense Bottom two inputs
  4. I set External Current Sensor to on in VEConfig.
  5. The cable from the Clamp to the Easy Solar is ~5Meters.
  6. For some reason I see ~30W draw on the Grid side…

Any idea what I’m not doing right? I know I should be using the tails but for testing I needed to verify the CT clamp is actually functioning so I’m testing from a single circuit.

That setting has nothing to do with your current sensor, please read the manual.

Hi @M_Lange - Thanks for your response.

I attempted to go through the VEConfigure AC Current Assistant but the options didn’t match what I had read on Google before(I was thrown by the Current Sense input) so I was reluctant to make any breaking changes. It does however appear I should take that route.

I think I should be using Aux 1. I’ll give this a go and report back :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

Reporting back, I think that’s got it so I’ll monitor over the next 24 hours to see if the data is as I expect then I can go from there.

Currently I’m surprised to see PV Inverter (I assume Victron has detected my Huawei inverters or something?) but I can figure this out over time :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

While I am getting a value it is not changing to reflect reality. It is putting out a constant value where it should be going up/down based on the load I am applying to that circuit.

Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

As previously mentioned I’m using Aux1

I also discovered this thread AC Current sensor not updating the values - #2 by FABIO57400 which seems to contradict the documentation as I read it… Just to clarify… My CT Clamp should or should not be used in “K - External Current Sensor”? Thanks!

Edit: Changing the dip switches made no difference what so ever to the readings.

Read the manual!
Your sensor needs to be connected to AUX 1, AUX 2 or T-sense.

Please add some pictures of how you installed it and the configuration of the assistant.
Did you connect + and - correctly?

As per my previous comment, I did read the manual and did connect to AUX1. I also stated that as per the link the documentation and subsequent discussions are misleading at worst and ambiguous at best and this could lead to others to be confused hence why I asked for clarity. I appreciate you providing that clarity, thanks! :slight_smile:

positive on the CT Clamp is wired to Aux 1+
negative on the CT clamp is wired to Aux 1-

I’ll upload the same image again just for posterity.

Please confirm I have the red(positive) in the correct place?

The documentation shows this:

Which does not match the actual physical layout of the unit. I can only guess from the manual and I don’t want to get the polarity wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

I never installed one.
I would try to measure the polarity.

I attempted reversing polarity but experience the same. Something is clearly not right…

Can anyone who has installed one of these sensors before please show some images or share some insights into the wiring and configuration? Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @johnyma22 - Please start with the last paragraph at the bottom of this post - it has come back to me now why I had major issues.
I have installed one of these and it all works well now. I did hit a few snags when installing but I worked through them. At one point I was going to send the device back, but took comfort in knowing that it was probably my configuration at fault. You can see the screen output on my profile.

Can you please confirm that you have installed the Assistant and configured it as per the attached photos.

The photos below show the installation.

This is my General Tab - Note there is no tick in the External Current Sensor box (As per @M_Lange earlier post), even though I do have a normal CT for the MultiPlus current sensing.

VERY IMPORTANT - I should add that things did not work correctly until I had powered down the Cerbo GX/Multiplus and restarted them. That is still an issue today. If I even just download the configuration file from the Cerbo/Multiplus the Solar reporting stops working properly. As a matter of course I now power down the MultiPlus and the Cerbo if I ever look at the configuration file.


I just read your last paragraph… Is this documented or known or expected behavior? Seems kinda broken!

Is the remote control method of Rebooting sufficient or do I need to physically get to the unit?

Also note that I’m using AC Input 1 as In and “Out” IE for absorption when electricity is cheap and helping support loads when it is not cheap.

Hi @johnyma22 I have emailed Victron but didn’t get a response. I was completely stuck until I realised what the issue was. And later when I made some minor adjustments, and everything went wrong again, I still hadn’t made the link. Then the penny dropped. If you so much as download the configuration file, without making any changes, you will have to reboot - very odd behaviour.

Also see here: Is a PV meter required for an ESS system? - #13 by teejay

Remote restart doesn’t work. You must shutdown at the devices and wait 15 seconds for capacitors to discharge. Then reboot.

I think your system is configured the same as mine and I too was going to select PV Coupled on AC Input 1 - but that didn’t work. Having said that it could be that I hadn’t shut down and rebooted. The settings that I have shown are directly from my working system.

I have 4kW of solar connected to an SMA inverter which connects to the consumer unit. For the CT loop connection in the Consumer Unit (CU) I use a Wago connector to join a wire to the incomer and loop it through the CT and back to the CU connection. This also makes it easy to test the right direction through the CT.

Then I just use AC1 for in/out on the inverter. My connection wire from the CT to the Multiplus was about 15m long and it worked. I have reduced the length now to about 5m for tidiness.

I would be interested to hear how you get on. As will others who come along later.

Rebooting helped. They might wanna add this to the docs… Great advice, thank you!

I did NOT need to do a full power down, I was able to use the remote console.

Does the above look right? Should the Grid value be negative when I have heaters on creating a load?

Any idea why it thinks the power is coming from a PV Inverter?

When I turn the heaters off I get tiny grid values and nothing from the PV Inverter…

No it doesn’t look right. How did you configure the Assistant? Did you copy my setup - IE “PV Inverter Coupled on AC output of this phase”.

I know it doesn’t sound correct but it is the only way I got the right output.

If you change your settings, remember to reboot. I am pleased that it worked on the remote reboot for you. I might give that a try again.

It sounds like you are trying to use this to measure the grid supply, but this device is intended to be used to monitor a PV inverter and I believe it will always appear as one in the VRM/GX device.

The below is taken from the product page - AC Current sensor - single phase - max 40A - Victron Energy

The AC Current sensor is a simple external current sensor used to measure AC Current, Power (VA) and calculate energy of a PV Inverter connected to the AC input or output of a Multi or Quattro. These values can then be displayed and sent to the VRM-website by the Color Control. The two measurement wires can be connected to the AUX and/or temperature sense input of a Multi or Quattro.

You probably want this - Current Transformer for MultiPlus-II - Victron Energy

As the assistant says it can take up to 24h to calibrate the CT.

The CT should be configured (with the DIP switches) as low as possible to get more accurate readings.

Hi @Ramatt

I am trying to use the CT to get the EasySolar unit to feed energy from the battery to the AC Input.

I have a baseline load of ~500W I am hoping to feed in whenever the battery is above a given percentage.

Would you still suggest grabbing a Current Transformer for MultiPlus-II?

@teejay I changed it to “PV Inverter Coupled on AC output of this phase" in VEconfig then uploaded and rebooted.

So the whole discussion was useless because you want to use the CT for a task it isn’t designed for.

To measure the grid you have to use one of this meters:

(The ET112 if you have a single phase grid)

Or this one: