How should I configure my Victron unit in this scenario?


  1. Generation from wind turbine and PV panels to cover loads.
  2. Excess energy from PV / wind turbine to storage. Solar (45kwh storage), Wind (2.5kwh storage)
  3. Batteries to supply balance of load in case of no/low PV/wind
  4. PV & Wind Battery topped up from mains when energy is cheap (midnight to 5am).
  5. Wind Turbine(Victron) to cover ~500W load as often as possible, this should be priority over discharging Solar batteries…

I was able to accomplish the above before by using a sine wave inverter and just having that constantly feed 500W out (when the batteries had enough stored). Any demand above 500W was picked up by the Solar Inverters (Huawei).


  1. I am not aware of an ability to say the Victron unit “always put out 500W irrespective of grid loads”.
  2. Islanding is managed by a system that keeps the circuit closed if the grid is present and opens the Victron AC circuit when the Grid is not present. I don’t have to keep this if Victron has a more elegant method.
  3. I can compromise and say that the Victron unit handles some directly connected AC loads on AC Output 1(Think out building heaters, lighting etc) and then only if Grid consumption is outside of the cheap energy hours it helps support the grid should the Solar PV batteries be unable to provide enough energy for the property. What I don’t want to do is have the Victron unit provide energy to the house(from the batteries) during cheap energy hours because it spots grid consumption as the batteries are charging.

I was able to accomplish the above before by using a sine wave inverter and just having that constantly feed 500W out (when the batteries had enough stored). Any demand above 500W was picked up by the Solar Inverters (Huawei).

I have the EasySolar 2 GX unit, ET112 over RS485, USB <> RS485 adapter, Victron Shunt (for wind turbine input monitoring).