Unable to pair with MPPT 75/15

Hi everyone,

I have a question about my Victron MPPT 75/15 Smartsolar charge controller which I’m hoping someone can help me with. It’s installed in a T6 campervan. For some reason I am unable to pair with it. It used to work fine but now, for some reason, it’s asking for a pairing code and everything I have tried isn’t working - 0000, 000000, 1234, 123456, etc. There is also a blue lamp on it which flashes steadily (not sure if that’s normal operation though). There is no sticker on the unit with a PIN or PUK code. I have spoken to the person who installed it for me in 2018 and they are also at a loss, but suggested someone in this forum may be able to assist.



delete the pairing data of your phone, then try connecting again with VictronConnect.

I’ve already tried that. Unfortunately it didn’t work. There is no pairing info showing under my phones bluetooth settings for the device. When it asks me to pair again via the Victron BatteryMonitor app it shows the attached screencap. This is the point at which I’m stuck.

Press the pair button?

The default PIN is 000000 (6x zero).
The PUK should be on a sticker on the back of the unit.

Use this with the serial number of the device to contact the original distributor.

They should be able to tell you the PUK code of your device.

There is no pair button. I’ve searched all over the device

Oh, so it’s probably on the surface that’s attached to the wall. Bit of an odd place to put it for visibility, but I’ll try and remove it tomorrow and see if it’s there. Thanks!

The back is the side facing the wall :slight_smile:
Bigger MPPTs have it on one side at the heat sink (the 75/15 doesn’t have one).

I meant on the phone .

Yes, there is no pair-button on the MPPT, but the pin and puck are on the mounting surface.

But also, there is no “Victron Battery Monitor App”, the picture you posted doesn’t look like anything I know from Victron ???

But I don’t use an Iphone, with Android and VictronConnect the pairing is started from the Smartphone, the MPPT doesn’t have a display to show a pairing code.

I’d really love to know what you have or what you’re doing ??

It’s a screenshot of VictronConnect with the standard Bluetooth pairing window from iOS.
Android has something similar.

If you have the serial number of the MPPT, then ask your local Victron distributor to request the PUK code from their Victron rep.

Thanks everyone for your help with this issue. I finally managed to remove the unit (it was in a very tight spot and difficult to get to) and the PUK code was indeed on the back. I’ve now managed to reset the PIN so I can connect to it again. Now I just need to figure out why my solar panel isn’t supplying any charge, which is what I suspected and why I needed to connect to the unit in the first place. One issue down, on to the next one…