SmartSolar 75/10 Load Output Jumper Link / Software

Good Afternoon,

I have recently installed the above controller. All firmware is up to date and it seems to be functioning just fine. I do however have a query regarding the Load Output settings.

As visible in the attached photo I have the Load Output jumper link set to the second ‘conventional algorithm’ . This is how it came ‘out of the box’.

The software is showing a Load Output of ‘BatteryLife’. See attached photo.

I’m not one to mess around with defaults unless necessary and I haven’t touched anything in the software setup or changed the jumper link.

My question is this. Which setting is correct and is the jumper link overriding the software? Should I be doing anything or is this correctly configured. I should say at this point that I only have a PV panel and Battery connected to the controller. I am not using the Load connection so my question may, of course, be irrelevant. But I’d like to know none the less because I may of course be completely misreading or misunderstanding things.

Any help or advice appreciated.


Hi Radar,

Sorry i missed your post.

If VictronConnect or the MPPT Control display is used to configure the load output algorithm, the jumper link is not used. Remove the jumper.

From the manual.

More in the manual on what each setting does.