Smart shunt monitor mode setting is read only

My system has been operating for several months. I recently realized that I would like to change my alternator shunt (1000A smart Shunt) from being configured as a DC Meter to being Battery monitor. This is a marine application with 2 AC power sources (Shore Power & Generator) to 5kVA Quattro and 5 DC power sources (4x MPPT Solar & Main Engine Alternator w/Balmar external VR), 1 DC power storage (2300AHr AGM, 12vdc)

I am able to connect remotely via VRM (web browser) and Victron Connect (PC and Android App). Locally as well when connected to the LAN. I also can connect using USB/VE Direct MK3 adapter and Victron Connect.
My problem remains in that the Monitor Mode setting options within the Device configuration setting under the Misc section remain grayed out. Also, no network options exist either which may be a clue. The system dashboard (VRM) and the Victron Connect App screen is also below

Have you tried connecting directly to the SmartShunt using the VictronConnect app via Bluetooth as that should be a direct connection, not a remote connection.

The other option is tjere should be a reset to default option somewhere in the VictronConnect app, again that may need a direct Bluetooth connection.

I’ll try BT next. Thought I may have missed a permission setting somewhere. The installation site is remote to me but the owner is local and familiar with the process.

Access via BT worked, thank you so much.

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Accessing via BT worked great, thank you

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