Hello everyone, this is my first post so please let me know if there’s any more information I can include to help solve this issue.
I’ve recently installed the following:
2 x Victron AGM 100ah batteries wired in parallel
1 x MPPT 75 15 charge controller
1 x Orion 12 - 12 30 DC DC charger
I’ve loaded up the apps and from looking on the manual I believe I’ve inputted the correct settings based off the manual I’ve attached the settings with screenshots to this post. For some reason I constantly seem to be on 100% or 99% without ever falling below that number.
Have I set the devices up properly?
Thanks again for any help in advance and sorry if this is a really silly question.
Your charged voltage on the SmartShunt is much too low. Set it to 14.2V. You also need to check your wiring to make sure everything is connected to the load side of the shunt other then the battery.
Did you read the FAQ sticky at the top of the DIY section, the second and third links give you 2 documents you need to read to answer your question. FAQs
The last two screenshots show the battery settings, one for each of your two Victron AGM 100ah batteries I expect. But the first screenshot show the settings for a Smart Lithium (LiFePo4) and the second for an AGM spiral cell.
I’m not sure this would explain your issue, but either the 1st screenshot is incorrect, or your settings are off…