I could use help for a very confusing Victron Smart Shunt install for me due to the RV house battery cable / spaghetti connections. Where would you connect the negative “System Minus” terminal on the shunt in this diagram? Based on vids I’ve seen and the shunt instructions, I need to connect the negative side of the entire electrical system (including all loads) to the “System Minus” terminal on the shunt. Is this possible based on this wiring diagram?
Do not think you have put enough info on, especially the ground bar which is the important bit and what is the difference between main and aux batteries and which ones are you wanting to measure. Also have I interpreted the drawing correct that the aux bank is 6 x 6V batteries with 3 pairs in series for 12V.
Hello pwfarnell…thanks for the quick response! These (6) 6V (Aux) house batteries are connected in series / parallel. FYI, these batteries are located on the driver rear of the coach. The Neg / ground bus bar is located on the Passenger side rear of the coach. The (2) main batteries are the chassis / engine cranking batteries. The Aux labeled batteries are the house batteries…these are the ones I need to connect the shunt to track and measure voltage, state of charge, storage capacity, energy use, etc… Please recommend where to attach the “To System Minus” side of the shunt and where to attach the “To Battery Minus” side of the shunt? Thanks!
Ken Reynolds, [moderator edit: removed personal information]
Fully understand now. See the marked up version of the bottom right hand corner of your drawing.
You need to put the Smartshunt ( shown as red) in cable 6 in the bottom right hand corner, the battery minus is towards the battery, the system minus the other side towards the ground bar.
You then need to disconnect the cable 1 from aux battery #2 ( red line crossed out in blue) and connect this to either the ground bar or the system minus side of the smartshunt (shown in blue).
Thank you…I’ll let you know how it goes!
Ken Reynolds, (moderator removed personal information)