I’m using a spare smart shunt in Energy Meter mode/alternator, to measure my non-isolated chargers. I added an Orion XS to the setup, and connected it to my Cerbo (for DVCC).
My issues is when the Orion is connected to Cerbo, it double reports the 700watts from the Orion, since Cerbo reports 700w and the energy meter shunt reports 700w. If i disconnect the Orion from Cerbo, its accurate, but i lose the DVCC which is why i went this route. Moving the OrionXS neg after the Energy Meter doesn’t make a difference.
I used a Klein clamp meter to confirm the outputs.
Ideally i want disable cerbo from reporting the 700w but keep dvcc.
The CL12 is using the resistor mod(victron told us how), so its just a bulk charger. The second shunt is setup as a DC Energy Meter. The setup worked for 2 years with out issues before adding the Orion XS.
The only issue is it double reports the Orion XS when i connect it to Cerbo for DVCC control.