I no longer have a start and stop function on my Cerbo since 3.50. It worked for a while when I was on one of the beta versions of 3.5X. I have been using genset start / stop through the Venus display (running on a Cerbo), both on the touch screen, local og remote consol and through VRM for years. Relay 1 on the Cerbo is connected to a Control By Web (CBW) device. When the relay on the Cerbo is closed (start and run), it closes a ciurcut on the CBW to the Honda EU70is genset for running mode. Then the CBW pulses another relay to the genset (crank). The genset will tun untill the relay 1 on the Cerbo opens, triggering to open the run-relay on the CBW, connectet to the genset.
The genset is visable both in the consol and in VRM. In the settings on the Cerbo, relay 1 is set as generator.
PS. I am still able to set relay 1 as manual, and start the genset by turning on relay 1.
Any advice?
Actually got it working.
Did an upgrade. Was running beta FW 3.60~6 and upgraded to beta 3.60~9.
Now it is working.
Hey @ivar good to hear its working again!
Note that what you are using there is a beta version.
To prevent issues like that, changer the Settings → Firmware → Online updates → Update to setting to official releases, and install the then offered v3.52.
Thanks, Matthijs. Will do!
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