Multiplus II 5000 in paraller stop charging at 70 Amps

Hi I have a problem with my MP2 in paraller, (2x MP II 5000, 2xPylontech 5000 - CAN, CerboGx, PV Hoymilies 6000kWp) everything working perfect only charging battery stop at 70Amp, PV assistant set freq shifting to power down PV. In cerbo is set charging current to 100 Amps, (on MP is default 70Amps) It looks like that master MP2 is “thinking” is alone :).

have you any idea what the problem



Did you install and program this equipment yourself?
There are so many other settings or problems that can affect charging from AC and charging in general.
Look in DVCC
In advanced the CCL and DCL widget
And then the charger tab in the inverters themselves. If you are able.

The device settings, in your case MP2, is always take precedence when talking about current limits.



c0619ab5fcec_inst_ttyS4_Interfaces_Mk2_Tunnel.rvms (6.0 kB)

look maybe found where is mistake


its ok but I have two MPs each for 70 Amps so totaly 140 Amps (paraller) 1F


Maybe MP’s are restricted from the AC side (16A)?

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Untick “Weak AC Input” as a first step. That will be affecting total capacity, probably severely. If you can’t for some reason, please say…

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Yeah but then you have limited the whole system to 100A. In DVCC. So it will slow charging from all sources to that.
51.3v is also too much of a limit even for pylons.
Program according to this guide.
Remove the limits in DVCC.

Yes that is what the battery wants and the system can’t give it that. Follow the guide. If it does not charge correctly. Then we trouble shoot some more.

I turned it off and it seems to be working, thanks

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Hello. I have the same problem

I have an installation with two parallel multiplusII 5000/48/70, and 3 pylontech US5000 batteries.

Everything works correctly, but even though the BMS of the batteries indicates that it accepts a charging current of 210A and that in the cerbo the limitation is set at 140A, we cannot get the 73A charge to pass. I have tried removing the cerbo limitation in the DVCC configuration and the results do not change.

@albertoot as JohnC wrote above please uncheck “Weak AC” as that will reduce battery charge current considerably.