MPPT 450/200 charging current

Hello together,

Since the beginning I’ve noticed that mppt isn’t reaching the current I’ve set in DVCC (120A), even if there’s no load applied on system. For instance, DVCC max charge current is 120A, but battery is charging up with ~95A. There’s no restriction from PV perspective, but if I go up with DVCC settings, the charging current is growing proportional but never reaching the value I’ve set. There are no faults or alarms on the system.

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Do you have any other Victron “DC charger” in the system, connected on the same network, that “shares” the DVCC “universe”?
An MPPT or Multi RS or even “active” Multiplus chargers… ?


English below…

Deci inca doua MPPT-uri…
Impartirea curentului intre chargere e un pic simplista din cate am vazut eu in script-uri.

Fiecare MPPT are o limita maxima a curentului setata in configuratie.
La fel, DVCC-ul este setat la un anumit curent maxim.

Vezi daca nu cumva curentul cu care incarca 450/200 nu este cumva proportional cu cota parte din curentul cerut de DVCC.

450 setat max. 200A, 150 setat max. 45A, 250 setat max. 100A.
Deci un total de 345A, cu proportiile de 58%, 13%, 29%
DVCC-ul cere 120A.

Deci 450-ul va da 58% din 120A, adica aprox. 70A.


So two more MPPTs…
Sharing the current between the chargers is a bit simplistic from what I’ve seen in the scripts.

Each MPPT has a maximum current limit set in the configuration.
Similarly, the DVCC is set to a certain maximum current.

See if the current with which the 450/200 charges is somehow proportional to the share of the current required by the DVCC.

450 set max. 200A, 150 set max. 45A, 250 set max. 100A.
So a total of 345A, with the proportions of 58%, 13%, 29%
The DVCC requires 120A.

So the 450 will give 58% of 120A, that is approx. 70A.

The actual MPPT current limits : 450 = 160A, 150 =45A, 250=100A. But last two will barely reach 800W(2 pannels) and 1.5~1.6kW(5 pannels). If the current distribution is by percentge as you explained, then makes sense. Thanks!