I have a multiplus upgraded to firmware version 497 - it is a multiplus 12/3000/120-50 version 2600.
I adding two Victron MPPT (150/35 and 75/15) for fixed and portable solar panels.
Do I need to upgrade to the newest version for the multiplus (2600) and do this require ve direct upgrade.
System is with CCGX and BMV-712 and Digital control panel.
Generally speaking, if your inverter/charger system is stable then leave it alone - no need to update it when you’re adding solar controllers to your system.
The solar controllers can be updated when they’re commissioned.
Thanks, but this leaves me a little frustrated. I updated my Multiplus using the MK3 from 4xx til 497 and that worked like a dream. The new venus 3.5 sounds tempting - I know the new UI will not show on the CCGX, but only on WRM. So, I’m just showing my setup and the please advise on your kind advice not to update
Multi 12/3000/120-50 2600 firmware 497
CCGX Firmware v2.66
BMV-712 firmware v4.16
For our CCGX the firmware that runs well is up to 3.40-2 depending on how old the unit actually is.
But really at the end of the day if it working and doing what you need it to do then leave it alone.
If you are concerned that it isn’t performing then upgrades to the other firmware are needed.
OK - thanks for that. I was hoping to upgrade to 3.50 or 3.51 to allow for using the new facilities for an android device running in kiosk mode with the GX software. This is certainly interesting for the CCGX as it will run the software (3.50) but stay on the well-known original UI.
Cam the CCGX be updtated til venus 3.50 and will it require mey Multiplus 12/3000/120-50 running firmware (2600)497 to be upgraded using the MK3 interface.
Thanks all and best regards
Thanks !
Just to make sure (as I read your other answers regarding upgrading CCGX to 3.50 adresing issues with to little flash memory)
My CCGX is V2.11 hw rev 2 (serial HQ1826AANQD).
Do you know if this is to old for updating to 3.50/3.51
Thank you and regards
I have one about 2 years older than that running v3.54
At first I thought I’d found it’s limit, but after a couple of extra reboots it sorted itself. Also use an old Multiplus on v552. All good…
OK - thats good advice - nothing more annoying than struggling with SW updates that not really works and do roolbacks.
Options are replacing with cerbo GX and the GX touch 50 or the Ekrano. Should I upgrade the multiplus to 2600552 or is it not necessary?
Again, thanks for your responsiveness
It may not be necessary, but I can’t say for sure. At least the newer Multi fw should be ok if you strike issues. Yeh, the MK3 dongle/VEFlash is a bit of a pain with the old CCGX, hey.