Multi RS and EM 24 as Grid Meter

is it Possible to run a 3 Phase Multi RS with Cebro and the EM24 or only the VM-3P75CT.
I ask because i will change my 3x3000 MP2 to the Multi RS and the RS would be in other room as the Smartmeter and i don’t know how long the Cables from the RS to the VM-3P75CT can be.

Can someone tell me.
Or another question: What is the smart meter for if the Multi RS can’t do ESS anyway.

This one is the most new and, as far as I know, recommended.
MultiRS dual tracker version supports it, but from the release notes of MulitRS firmware 1.17 it should be connected by VE.Can, not ethernet.

PS> Ensure that you buy MultiRS Dual tracker version for an upgrade, it has hardware changes that more future prove than single tracker version