Migrating to 3phase system

Today I installed all components for a three phase multiplus II 5000VA system. I have been running a single phase system for the last year. Now I’m running in to this error, previously posted here: Error Message: 'Incompatible VEBus configuration' Error: mk2vsc-61 - VictronEnergy

Do I still need a Mk3 dongle to do the intial 3-phase setup in (almost) 2025? The info on remote veconfig does not mention this: https://www.victronenergy.com/live/vrm_portal:remote-veconfigure.

So I was assuming that I would be able to do the migration using remote VE.Config. Should this be possible? Or do I need to buy the adapter after all?

Yes you need a mk3 to do that, its clearly explained in the 3 phase/parallel/split system setup documents


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Thanks a lot! I’ll order one!

I don’t agree though that the need for a mk3 is clearly explained, the term mk2, mk3 or even usb adapter does not appear at all in the document you have linked. It does refer to setting up the system with VE-configure, but this might as well be done through remote VE.Configure.

Yes you are right it is not clearly in the setup manual, however if you follow the setup manual you will need the ve bus configurator software package, and there its clearly stated

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